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Rites of Passage

Rites of Passage mark important life transitions.  From Baby Dedications to Memorial Services, we have a need to celebrate our individual joys and sorrows in connection with beloved community.  Creating powerful worship and ritual to mark those events is one of the ways I aspire to create a container for people to give witness to and deepen a covenant of mutual responsibility and care.  During the pandemic, rites of passage became difficult as they often had to be online, postponed or occasionally outside.  I have worked to make all the memorial services, weddings and other Rites of Passage be as tailored to the participants as possible, including a Memorial Service that had to be held outside with all the music used by the Grateful Dead.  


Joseph Fitzke and Parents at FUSIT Coming of Age
A year when my husband (mentor) and son (participant) were part of Coming of Age and I wasn’t


As a religious educator, I have facilitated Coming of Age and led Bridging services.

Child Dedication Service

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